스포츠 음료에 대한 소비자 인식 및 구매행동에 관한 분석
동국대학교 | 59 pages| 2006.12.09| 파일형태 :
조회 1278 다운로드 1
In this study, we tried to analyze customer`s recognition and purchase behavior on sports beverage. To analyze customer`s characteristic and purchase conduct, we surveyed 1002 metropolitan residents. From that result, we used frequency analysis and cross analysis method as following categories sex, age, job, education level, region. We reached conclusion as following . 1. There is significant difference In brand preference on same product by sex, age, region. This means brand preference affects Purchase conduct according to sex, age, region. 2. There is significant difference in purchase conduct spread over advertisement recognition and reliability of product. advertisement recognition and product reliance effects conclusively on customer`s purchase behavior irrespective of customer`s character. 3. There is significant difference in purchase behavior according to product`s quality and purchase convenience.
소비자 인식 스포츠 음료 시장현황 구매행동
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